
Working on a large project

Here is how I organize, and start the stitching on a large piece whose pattern has many pages (between 9 and 16).

First, since there is many colors, I put together all my threads, scissors, highliter, and so on, in a single box. I often work on 2 or 3 different projects so I have a different box for each one...keeps me from getting all mixed up.

Then, I sew the fabric solidly onto a frame just a little larger in size (here the fabric is 17" and the frame 19"). When the fabric is well fixed into its frame, I roll the top and bottom rods until the surface it very tight and nice to work on.

I always start in the middle of a piece. Here I choose page 10 which is the upper left page from the middle point. I marked this central point with a white cross directly on the fabric before it was fixed in the frame.

Now, I am ready to start stitching...one page after the other, following the pattern until the end. This helps me work efficiently and comfortably on 2, 3 or more projects simultaneously for months, without making mistakes, or forgetting where I was at.

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